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Summer Seasonal Care

Please browse our Summer services. Contact us for a free quote or for more information. 

Lawn Mowing

The importance of good mowing practices is often overlooked. Mowing has a major influence on the turf density, uniformity and aesthetic quality of a home lawn. At Green Seasons Lawn Care we mow using vacuum mowers that remove debris and excess clippings. We leave you lawn clean with no clippings on your driveway, road and sidewalks.

Lawn Care & Mowing Schedule

We honour our schedule 100%, however we don’t cut in the rain or during summer droughts when grass is in a dormant state. We will return as soon as possible to keep you lawn looking great.

Dormant Lawns

During extended dry periods, a lawn may turn brown and go dormant. A lawn can survive from 4-6 weeks in a dormant state during summer dry periods. Once the rains return, the lawn will green up in 7-10 days. If the lawn is dormant:

  • Keep traffic off
  • Stop mowing

Fertilizer Application Program

Giving the grass the proper food, the right fertilizer at the right time and in the right quantities is key. Green Seasons has the proper treatments that attract and support micro-organisms which feed the soil and the grass. Allowing water and nutrient retention, and are good for the environment. We offer fertilization in the Spring, Summer & Fall.   

We have a variety of fertilizers available, both regular and organic. Let us know your needs and we can design a fertilization program to fit your lawn. 

Tree & Shrub Pruning Services

Trees and shrubs can add exquisite beauty and lushness to your residential property. However, without proper pruning, they can decline in health and become unsightly. Green Seasons Lawn Care takes care for your trees and shrubs, keeping your property looking its best throughout the year. 

On Site Chipping & Mulching

We can provide on-site chipping and mulching on large properties by bringing our chipper and create mulch on site. If you have a smaller property or would prefer we will remove limbs and mulch them at our yard.